About Playground Corvette Club
We're glad you found us on the web! Feel free to look around. Playground Corvette Club was founded in 1969 right here in Fort Walton Beach and serves the surrounding areas of Okaloosa, Walton, and Santa Rosa counties here on the Emerald Coast. Just click on the desired tab to explore the site and get to know us. Playground Corvette Club is dedicated to "America's Sports Car" and the enthusiasts that drive it. We want to drive our Vettes and enjoy the company of good people with the same desire. We support charities and we participate in rallies, car shows, parades, and club cruises. We meet the first Wednesday of each month at Pedro's Taco and Tequila Bar 315 Mary Esther Blvd, Mary Esther, FL. Social hour starts at 1800 and the meeting at 1900. COME JOIN US!

Our Vision
Support local charities, organizations, and families.
Encourage the preservation and advancement of the Corvette.
Provide a source of readily available technical knowledge, information, and assistance in the maintenance and operation of the Corvette.
Have fun. Take the top off or put it down but enjoy the car and the people.

Club Profile
Playground Corvette Club is a 100% member of the National Council of Corvette Clubs. We fully support the National Corvette Museum, and the Future Corvette Owners Association.
How to Join Playground Corvette Club
It's easy to join our Club. Just click on the links for membership forms and come to a meeting.

Contact Us:
President: Eddy Carafa ecarafa@verizon.net
Vice President: Bob Bates
Secretary: Karen Payne
Our local address is:
P. O. Box 66
Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32549

Playground Corvette Club Officers/Board of Directors for 2025

Eddy Carafa

National Corvette Museum
Steve Noble

Bob Bates
Vice President

Pat Maxin

Karen Payne

Officer at Large
Scott Eisenhauer

Peggy Misleh

Events Director
Mark Gunn